Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Majestic Tour 2014

I went to a Kari Jobe, Rend Collective, and Warren Barfield concert last night. It was SO GOOD. Which is kind of funny since I wasn't super interested in going to the concert to begin with. You see, my friend really want to much so that she bought me a ticket months ago. I am thankful for her gift. I have had a stressful week and so a night of worship with one of the most encouraging worship leaders was just what I needed (thanks E, you're the best!)

Before the concert, Kari and Chris (lead singer for Rend Collective) did a Q&A session with the audience and they had some great insight for worship leaders. I wrote some of my favorites down.

Question One: "What is your advice for aspiring worship leaders?"
Answer from Chris: "Love people more than you love music. And, learn your words."

Both excellent pieces of advice. Learning your words is always great advice, lol. You know, so if the lyrics computer goes out you don't have to stop the service. I'm still working on this one!! Though, love people is the more important piece of advice in my opinion. As a worship leader it is easy to get wrapped up in the music, the details, wanting to be better, or wanting to be seen. If we aren't careful, a desire to worship the Lord can become self-centered rather than God-centered. Remembering to love people means to me that we remember the number one goal is to worship God and allow people to enter into that special worship connection with the Lord as well. Worship leading is not a performance, it is a service to the body of Christ. Which leads me to Kari's response to the same question.

Answer from Kari: "Remember the service side of leading worship." She shared  the example of her own service to her home church. Even though she travels around the country leading worship for huge audiences, she remains a worship leader in her home church where she still has to submit her song list for approval each week so that she stays in agreement with her pastor and the church body.

Next question: "What is your heart song. One of your songs or someone elses's that connects with your heart the most.

Answer from Chris: "Boldly I Approach"
Answer from Kari: "You are For Me"

Question 3: Kari on being single and looking for a relationship.
Answer: While she is excited that she now has a boyfriend, one thought that she shared "There are good guys and there are Godly guys. Wait for the Godly guy. Where you will have peace inside your heart and you won't ever feel like you have to sacrifice the Kingdom goals God has given you."

After the Q&A, the concert was just fantastic. All artists approach the stage humbly and in an attitude of worship. It's important to note, not all worship songs are slow songs. Rend Collective is a band I had never heard of before. I love their style, many of their songs have a different but cool kind of beat. It's peppy and celebratory. So much fun. The band is from Ireland and has some cool, different instruments and great accents. And they love the Lord.

The song that spoke to my heart the most this night: Healer, this isn't a new song to me, but the lyrics pierced my heart this night. "Nothing is Impossible for you [God], you hold the world in your hands.

I'm so thankful for special moments. Little gifts that God gives us. An opportunity to worship in the midst of a difficult week. A few moments to gain wisdom from the experience of others. A friend who will buy you a concert ticket to share a few hours with each other. Blessings, all of them.

-The Real Me

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